Practical information > Hotels

Hotels with negociated tariffs

Okko hôtel (4 stars)

23 rue Hoche, Grenoble

95 €/night + tourist tax (0.99 €/night)
Breakfast included
Online booking with following code OKKOCIST

Splendid hôtel (3 stars)

22 rue Thiers, Grenoble

Mercredi 16 et/ou jeudi 17 mars  : 85 €/night
Vendredi 18 mars  : 65 €/night
Si réservation de 3 nuits consécutives : 75 €/night
+ tourist tax (0.88 €/night)
Breakfast included (buffet)

Hôtel Institut (2 stars)

10 rue Louis Barbillon, Grenoble

60 €/nuit
+ tourist tax (0.66 €)/night
Breakfast included
Online booking with following code CIST2016

Other recommended hotels

Royal Hôtel (3 stars)

2 rue Gabriel Péri, Grenoble

Hôtel d'Angleterre (3 stars)

5 pl. Victor Hugo, Grenoble

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