Presentation > Committees

Organisation committee

In charge of the whole organisation of the conference, the organisation committee gathers CIST engineers, its board members, as well as heads of CIST scientific areas and people interested in organising specific sessions.

Head of the organisation committee: Romain LAJARGE, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble - CIST deputy director

- Claude GRASLAND, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 - CIST director
- France GUERIN-PACE, INED, Paris - CIST deputy director
- Jean-Yves MOISSERON, IRD, Paris - CIST deputy director

- Pierre BECKOUCHE, CIST SC president
- Evelyne MESCLIER, CIST SC vice-president
- Michel BUSSI, SC
- Richard RAYMOND, SC

- Emmanuel DUPONT, CGET
- Grégoire FEYT, PACTE, Grenoble
- Jean-Marc VINCENT, LIG, Grenoble

- Hugues PECOUT, CIST 

Scientific committee

In charge of selecting the communications, the scientific committee gathers the members of CIST scientific committee.

President: Pierre BECKOUCHE, geography, professor, Université Paris 1
Vice-president: Evelyne MESCLIER, geography, director of research, IRD

- Catherine AUBERTIN, economics, director of research, IRD, Brésil
- Cédric AUDEBERT, geography, associate professor / CNRS, Poitiers
- Michel BUSSI, professor, Université de Rouen
- Roberto CAMAGNI, economics, professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italie
- Alain DUBRESSON, geography, professor, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
- Christian DU TERTRE, professor and vice-president, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
- Shelley FELDMAN, sociology, professor / Cornell University, USA
- Marie-Christine FOURNY, geography, professor / Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
- Jérôme GENSEL, information science, professor, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble
- Odile HOFFMANN, geography, director of research, IRD, Paris
- Richard LAGANIER, geography, professor / Université Paris Diderot
- Eva LELIEVRE, demography, director of research, INED, Paris
- Céline PIERDET, geography, associate professor, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
- Marc-Urbain PROULX, urbanism, professor / Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
- Richard RAYMOND, geography, researcher, CNRS, Paris
- Anne RUAS, geomatics, ponts-et-chaussées engineer, IFSTTAR, Paris
- Aldomar RÛCKERT, geography, professor / Université fédérale du Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brésil
- Lena SANDERS, geography, director of research, CNRS, Paris
- Christian SCHULZ, geography, professor, Université de Luxembourg
- Julie VALLEE, geography, associate professor / CNRS, Paris
- Jean-Marc VINCENT, informatics, associate professor, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble

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